Welcome Alumni

You are part of a very special group of people.

You have learned faith, service, and community and now you are putting that into action in your own lives.

The Saints tradition goes back 100 years, and today there are more than 8,000 alumni around the world—including you! Our connection to each other remains, and the Alumni Office is here to help keep our Saints family strong.  We welcome you back to campus any time, we invite you to attend our events, and we look forward to hearing your news.

The Alumni Board plans numerous events to keep alumni together and engaged with the “little school on Walcott Street.” We encourage you to join us and stay connected with our Saints family!  If you have any suggestions, please reach out to us!  All proceeds from our alumni events go to the Alumni Board’s Scholarship Fund for students and families in need.

There are other ways for you to remain connected to Saints—attending reunions or school events, joining our Alumni Board, volunteering as a mentor, cheering on our sports teams, or supporting the Annual Fund or The Next 100 Years Campaign, securing the future for the next generation of Saints alumni.

If you have any questions, comments, or would just like to say hello, we’d love to hear from you!

And remember, once a Saint, always a Saint!

Alumni Board
Officers and Members

Alumni Board meetings are the first Tuesday (non-holiday) of each month at 6 p.m.
Contact our alumni office if interested in attending.

Ken Cartwright ’85 – Chair

Shannon Bracken-Bellew ’95 – Vice Chair

Keri Kozlowski ’01 – Secretary

Josean Vega ’01 – Finance Coordinator

A.J. Kizekai ’05 – Chair Emeritus

Matthew D’Agenais ’94

Ashley Femino ’04

Ashley Ricard ’06

Mark McMahon ’79

Stephanie White Gariepy ’04

Christine Hetu Thrift ’83

Ron Dalton ’79 – Director of Advancement

Mel Colvin ’02 – Alumni Coordinator


SRA Alumni on Social Media