We have many options to get you here.
Free, Private & Town Are All Options
Transportation to and from Saint Raphael Academy depends upon where the student resides. Free bus transportation is available to families living in Barrington, Bristol, Central Falls, Cranston, East Providence, Johnston, Lincoln, North Providence, Providence, Smithfield, and Warren. More details can be found here or by contacting your city/town or the Rhode Island Department of Education.
Saint Raphael Academy also provides private bus service to families living in Kent County. There are three stops conveniently located for families. Exact stops are determined once students have registered for bus transportation. The cost for transportation both to and from school for the full academic year will be $750.
Please contact the Business Office at 401-723-8100 for details.
Families are encouraged to investigate the options listed below on their own or contact their city or town for additional information.