We have many options to get you here.

Free, Private & Town Are All Options

Transportation to and from Saint Raphael Academy depends upon where the student resides. Free bus transportation is available to families living in Barrington, Bristol, Central Falls, Cranston, East Providence, Johnston, Lincoln, North Providence, Providence, Smithfield, and Warren. More details can be found here or by contacting your city/town or the Rhode Island Department of Education.

Saint Raphael Academy also provides private bus service to families living in Kent County. There are three stops conveniently located for families. Exact stops are determined once students have registered for bus transportation. The cost for transportation both to and from school for the full academic year will be $750.
Please contact the Business Office at 401-723-8100 for details.

Families are encouraged to investigate the options listed below on their own or contact their city or town for additional information.

The Rhode Island Department of Education provides free statewide busing from the following cities and towns to Saint Raphael Academy: Barrington, Bristol, Central Falls, Cranston, East Providence, Johnston, Lincoln, North Providence, Providence, Smithfield and Warren. Current and new families who qualify need to register for bus service every year for the upcoming academic year through the  RI Department of Education. Requests must be in by July 31 to ensure service on the first day of school. Per Rhode Island Dept. of Education, all bus stops will be depot (group) stops for next year. Any issues or questions, should be addressed directly with Statewide Bus Dept. Contact the statewide system manager’s office at 401-304-9136; Email:  transportationinfo@ride.ri.gov

  • East Providence – East Providence School District transportation request form must be submitted in mid-July. Families will be notified of routes in July/August.
  • Lincoln – Lincoln requires that residents submit a Lincoln Transportation Request Form directly to the town to register for transportation. Contact the Lincoln School Department for information.

Saint Raphael Academy organizes a list of families who are interested in carpooling. Families may then contact each other to arrange a carpooling situation. If you would like to join, email Admissions directly.