Welcome to Saint Raphael
loved, instructed, & guided
Saint Raphael Academy is a Roman Catholic educational community of the Diocese of Providence where students are loved, instructed, and guided according to the traditions of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. We draw inspiration from the charism of Saint John Baptist de La Salle, Founder of the Brothers and Patron Saint of Teachers.
Welcome to Saint Raphael Academy! For many young people, high school represents four of the most formative years of their lives. At Saint Raphael Academy, we attend to the development of the “whole child.” Through its commitment to our Lasallian tradition, Saint Raphael Academy guides the development of each student’s unique talents by attending to their religious, academic, social, artistic and athletic needs. We provide a safe learning environment that places a priority on mutual respect and self-discipline.
Our students are welcomed and known as individuals, they are inspired every day to discover their God-given gifts and talents, and they are challenged to build the foundation that is needed for future success. Our dedicated faculty, staff, coaches, and administrators are committed to ensure that the Academy continues to respond to the needs of our students through advancements in teaching, technology and scholarship.
You might ask, “What makes Saint Raphael Academy so special?” For me, the most evident reason is the way the students bond together to support and nurture each other. It is on display every single day at the Academy. I see students daily reaching out to assist one another in the classroom with a difficult project or task. I watch the athletes working synergistically on all of our sports teams. At student retreats, I am always amazed how the students validate and confirm their peers when they share their personal stories. And in all of our SRA drama productions, you know that our thespians and crew members have each other’s back.
I am not certain that these are common practices at every high school in Rhode Island. All of these lessons learned are what makes us Saint Raphael Academy; they are great experiences to learn as students, and wonderful attributes to possess as an adult!
I invite you to talk to friends and family who are Saints, and then come visit us and see for yourself!
Live Jesus in our hearts forever!
Mr. Daniel Richard
St. John Baptist de La Salle (1651-1719) is the founder of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. He was born into a wealthy family in Rheims, France, and ordained a priest of the Diocese of Rheims in 1678. De La Salle became aware of the fact that the children of the poor and artisans had no access to education. In 1689, he founded the Brothers of the Christian Schools teaching community so as to give a Christian education to the youth of the poor and the working class. De La Salle had great love for Holy Scripture, a great sense of always being in the presence of God, looking for God’s will in all things, a deep sense of prayer along with a spirit of prayer, faith and zeal. Today, they are found in 85 countries around the world and working in all aspects of education. Pope Leo XIII declared De La Salle as a saint in 1900. His feast is celebrated on May 15. De La Salle is the Patron Saint of teachers and is regarded as the “father of modern pedagogy.” He is respected as the innovator of many teaching techniques that are still in use today.
“To touch the hearts of your students with the Christian Message is the greatest miracle you can perform.”
Characteristics of Lasallian Spirituality:
The spirit of faith and zeal— we live our lives as men and women guided by faith in the very context of school life, as an integral part of the educational community. We learn to see the hand of God in the events of our lives, and His call to us.
Faith which is based on the Gospel-– De La Salle’s insistence on seeing everything in the light of the Gospel, an attitude sustained by constantly reading the Word of God, explains why daily reflection and remembering the holy presence of God were considered so important.
Faith and evangelization based on the community— to be able to promote effectively both human and Gospel values, we have to be seen to practice what we preach. We must work closely together; each person must support our goals by personal commitment to their fulfillment.
Special concern for the poor– we are called to live out the Gospel message of Matthew 25. “Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, you do unto me.”
Willingness to be accessible to all — in a world where the pursuit of wealth is becoming more frenetic it is essential for us to develop a way of thinking and acting which reflects total availability and lack of self-seeking.(LLF)
Saint Raphael Academy is a Catholic, college preparatory school rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Founded in the tradition of Saint John Baptist de La Salle, we provide a comprehensive secondary education to students from diverse backgrounds and prepare them for a life dedicated to learning, leadership and service.
BROTHERS OF THE CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS–District of Eastern North America
A Statement of Mission
The mission of the De La Salle Christian Brothers of the District of Eastern North America is to give a human and Christian education to the young, especially the poor, according to the ministry which the Church has entrusted to the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools.
As consecrated laymen in the Roman Catholic Church, the Brothers seek to touch the lives of the young and their families in ways that remind all of the loving presence of God. The faith and zeal of their personal and communal lives empower the Brothers to be authentic witnesses to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
As professional educators, the Brothers minister in the setting of Catholic schools and through other agencies that address the educational needs of youth and their families. The Brothers are the heart and memory of an evolving tradition of service imbued with the charism of John Baptist De La Salle. They share his mission with a variety of people who embrace a Christian vision within the Lasallian heritage and who, together and by association, contribute to its development.
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Our Leadership Team
From Left to Right
Dan Richard, Principal
Judy Baxter, Vice Principal of Academics
Mitch Carvalho, Vice Principal of Student Life
Saint Raphael Academy’s
Fast Facts

Year Founded By The Brothers Of The Christian School
Students In Attendance
Most Diverse Catholic High School In RI
Student Faculty Ratio
Students Receive Financial Aid
Buildings part of our collegiate-style campus
Acceptance rate to institutions of higher education & Military
Average Class Size

Learn about our 8-building, college-style campus that you’ll soon start calling ‘home’.
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Faculty assist students in reaching their fullest academic potential, while infusing the tenets of a Lasallian education.
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Our student-athletes learn the fundamentals of their sport and the value of teamwork and sportsmanship.
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Our fine arts program has a long-standing tradition of including creative expression in the curriculum and extracurricular activities.
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